Andrea Mutti

Pseudoniemen: Red

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
DMZ 372 / 7.87
Cel financiën 925 / 7.57
I.R.$. - All Watcher 1786 / 7.28
Giuliano Nero 2083 / 7.18
De weerwolven 2277 / 7.09
SAS 2747 / 6.72
Les adieux du rhinocéros
American Vampire Anthology
American Vampire Omnibus
L' architecte du palais
The art of Andrea Mutti
Batman & Robin Eternal
Black Hammer Reborn
The British Paranormal Society: Time Out of Mind
Campus Stellae
Castle: Richard Castle's Unholy Storm
Champs d'honneur
Cold Bodies
Conan Omnibus
Conan the Barbarian (Dark Horse)
Creepy (Dark Horse)
Daken: Dark Wolverine
DMZ (Panini/Urban)
DMZ (Urban - HC hernummering)
Evil Empire
Evil Empire (Glénat)
The Executor
Le fils de la perdition
G.I. Joe: Origins
George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act Three
Ghost (Mutti)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest
The Girl Who Played With Fire (Vertigo)
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Hellboy Winter Special 2019
Heroic Age: One Month To Live
Highlander: The American Dream
Infinite Dark
Iron Man vs. Whiplash
Junkyard Joe
Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road: Nux & Immortan Joe
Maniac of New York
Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning
Marvel Zombies Return
Marvel Zombies: The Complete Collection
Marvel Zomnibus
Meyer: Derniers pas dans la mafia
MrBallen Presents: Strange, Dark & Mysterious
Noir (Mutti)
Parasomnia: The Dreaming God
Pathfinder: Runescars
La Pérouse
Port of Earth
Prometheus: Life and Death
Punisher by Rick Remender Omnibus
Rage (Panini Frankrijk)
Rebels (Urban Comics)
Rebels: These Free and Independent States
The Returning
Right State
Rome West
Saucer Country
De schreeuwende nevelen
The Shadow (Dynamite Entertainment)
Six Days: The Incredible True Story of D-Days Lost Chapter
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette)
Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic - Epic Collection
Star Wars Omnibus
Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - War
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith - Spiral
Starship Down
Le syndrome de Caïn
Tomb Raider: The Beginning
X-Men: Prelude to Schism