Cluemaster/Arthur Brown

In de reeks Batman

201 Batman's Gangland Guardians!
293 The Testimony of Luthor!
294 Testimony of the Joker
336 While the Bat's Away ...
643 War Crimes, Part 2: Minor Discrepancies

In de reeks Batgirl

B23 Batgirl: Here Endeth the Lesson
B24 Unsinkable
INT B3 The Lesson

In de reeks Birds of Prey

40 Bruce Wayne: Murderer?, Part 12: Switchback

In de reeks Robin (DC Comics)

A14 Troika, Part 4: Big City Bomber
A16 All Fall Down
A56 Love Stinks
A57 Date Night
A65 A Blessed Event
A85 Fool's Errand
A92 A Leap of Faith
A93 Close to Home
A94 A Question of Timing
A101 World Without Young Justice, Part 3: Redone by the Vandal(s) of Time
A102 Stage Presence

In de reeks DC Comics - La légende de Batman

58 Un deuil dans la famille

In de reeks Batman: Troika

1 Batman: Troika