Shen Li-Min/Swift

In de reeks The Authority

1 The Circle, Part 1
C14 At the Door
C15 Bleeding Edge
C16 Issue #16
C17 Issue #17
C18 Homecoming, Part 1
C19 Destination Unknown
C20 Disorder
C21 Adrift
C22 Infestation
C23 Mondregon
C25 This is Gonna Suck
C26 Genociety
C27 Slaughter Moon
C28 Fight and Flight
C29 Change, Not Die
INT C1 World's End
INT C2 Rule Brittania

In de reeks The Authority: Revolution

INT 1 Tome un
INT 2 Tome deux
1 Come the Revolution
2 Ghost of Authority Yet to Come
3 The Turning Tide
4 The Revolution Will Be...
5 Like a House of Cards
6 Whatever Happened to the Authority?
8 The Shape of Things
9 Life's Illusions
10 Listen, Do You Want to Know a Secret?
11 Permanent Midnight
12 Sound and Fury, Signifying

In de reeks The Authority: Scorched Earth

1 Scorched Earth

In de reeks The Authority by Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen

1 The Authority by Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen