Angela Spica/The Engineer

In de reeks Stormwatch (DC)

1 The Dark Side, Part 1

In de reeks The Authority

1 The Circle, Part 1
C14 At the Door
C15 Bleeding Edge
C16 Issue #16
C17 Issue #17
C18 Homecoming, Part 1
C20 Disorder
C21 Adrift
C22 Infestation
C23 Mondregon
C24 Mondregon, Part 2
C25 This is Gonna Suck
C27 Slaughter Moon
C28 Fight and Flight
C29 Change, Not Die
INT C1 World's End
INT C2 Rule Brittania

In de reeks The Authority: Revolution

INT 1 Tome un
INT 2 Tome deux
1 Come the Revolution
2 Ghost of Authority Yet to Come
3 The Turning Tide
4 The Revolution Will Be...
5 Like a House of Cards
6 Whatever Happened to the Authority?
7 To Infinity
8 The Shape of Things
9 Life's Illusions
10 Listen, Do You Want to Know a Secret?
11 Permanent Midnight
12 Sound and Fury, Signifying

In de reeks The Authority: Scorched Earth

1 Scorched Earth

In de reeks The Authority by Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen

1 The Authority by Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen