8.59/10 #678
13 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking

De inhoud van deze strip wordt gebundeld in volgende strips:

Scenario Hayao Miyazaki
Tekeningen Hayao Miyazaki
Cover Hayao Miyazaki
Lettering Tom Orzechowski
Vertaling David Lewis Toren Smith
Editor Satoru Fujii
Uitgever(s) Viz Media


what was once an enormous flourishing industrial civilization had disappeared into the dark vastness of time. The earth was covered by forests of enormous fungi which exhaled a poisonous miasma called the Sea of Corruption.

Scattered throughout the tiny parcels of land remaining at the periphery of the Sea of Corruption are the kingdoms people have created in which to live.

Here lies the Valley of Wind - a kinqdom of barely five hundred subjects; a small nation granted only frail protection against the poisons of the Sea of Corruption by the ocean breezes...

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