The Real Ghostbusters (Titan Books)

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Bundelt volgende verhalen uit The Real Ghostbusters (Marvel UK) :
- The Mind Boggles
- Weirdness on Wall Street!
- The Hounds of Hell!
- The Dark Side of the Sewer!
- Skeleton in the Closet
- The Ghostbuster Busters!
- Feline Phantom
- This Ghost is Toast!
- Fiery Fiend
- A Ghost in Time!
- Fit to Bust!
- Haunted House
- Busy Busting
- Hair Today...Ghoul Tomorrow!
- The Ghost That Came in With a Cold!
- Ice Ghosts
- Mermaid Mischief
- Bust In Space!
- Spell of Trouble
- The Ghost House!
- Culture Shocker!
- Take Away Terror!"
- Spengler Spirit Guide : Demon War, Ghostbusting Revision Courses, Er, Love, Sea Serpents & Déjà vu

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