Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor

0 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking
Scenario Stan Lee
Tekeningen Jack Kirby
Cover Jack Kirby
Uitgever(s) Marvel Comics

Opmerking uitgave

(Regular dust jacket)

Opmerking inhoud

Journey Into Mystery #121-125
Thor #126-130

-The power! The passion! The pride!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 4/11: Maelstrom!
-Where mortals fear to tread!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 5/11: The grim specter of mutiny!
-While a universe trembles!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 6/11: The jaws of the dragon!
-The grandeur and the glory!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 7/11: Closer comes the swarm!
-When meet the immortals!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 8/11: The queen commands
-Whom the gods would destroy!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 9/11: The summons!
-The hammer and the holocaust!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 10/11: The meaning of... Ragnarok!
-The power of Pluto!
-Tales of Asgard: The Odinsword Quest 11/11: Aftermath!
-The verdict of Zeus!
-Tales of Asgard: The Warlock's Eye 1/5: The hordes of Harokin!
-Thunder in the netherworld!
-Tales of Asgard: The Warlock's Eye 2/5: The fateful change!

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