Robin Wildman

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Scalped INT 10 Trail's End 9.26
Scalped INT 9 Knuckle Up 9.16
Catwoman (DC) B INT2 No Easy Way Down 8.00
Aquaman INT F2 The Others 7.75
The Unwritten INT 5 On to Genesis 7.50
Catwoman (DC) B INT3 Under Pressure 6.50
Aquaman INT F4 Death of a King
Batgirl INT C2 Knightfall Descends
Batgirl INT C4 Wanted
Batman Adventures: Robin, the Boy Wonder 1 Batman Adventures: Robin, the Boy Wonder
Catwoman (DC) INT C2 Dollhouse
Dark Knight III: The Master Race - The Covers 1 Dark Knight III: The Master Race - The Covers
Deathstroke INT A1 Legacy
Demon Knights INT 2 The Avalon Trap
The Demon INT A1 The Demon: From the Darkness
G.I. Combat INT A1 The War That Time Forgot
Green Arrow INT D5 The Outsiders War
Green Arrow INT D6 Broken
Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys INT 1 Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys
Men of War INT A1 Uneasy Company
Red Hood and the Outlaws INT 4 League Of Assassins
Red Robin INT 4 7 Days Of Death
Resurrection Man INT A1 Dead Again