Jean-Claudio Vinci

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Incredibles 2: Secret Identities 1 Secret Identities, Part 1
Incredibles 2: Secret Identities 2 Secret Identities, Part 2
Incredibles 2: Secret Identities 3 Secret Identities, Part 3
Incredibles 2: Slow Burn 1 Issue #1
Incredibles 2: Slow Burn 2 Issue #2
Incredibles 2: Slow Burn INT 1 Incredibles 2: Slow Burn
Mes souvenirs en BD 16 1955
Mes souvenirs en BD 17 1956
Tentacle Kitty: Tales Around the Teacup 1 Tentacle Kitty: Tales Around the Teacup