Bruce N. Solotoff

Reeks + Strip (jaar volgorde) Jaar   
The Infinity Gauntlet 4 Cosmic Battle on the Edge of the Universe! 1991
De Infinity Gauntlet 3 Kosmische oorlog 1992
The Infinity Gauntlet INT 1 Infinity Gauntlet 1992
The Infinity Gauntlet INT 1 Infinity Gauntlet 2000
The Infinity Gauntlet INT 1 Infinity Gauntlet 2002
The Infinity Gauntlet INT 1 Infinity Gauntlet 2006
The Infinity Gauntlet INT 1 Infinity Gauntlet 2010
Le gant de l'infini (Panini) 1 Le défi de Thanos 2012
Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus 1 The Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus 2014
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 26 Le gant de l'infini 2015