Mark Seifert

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Allura and the Cyberangels
Avengelyne / Pandora
Avengelyne: Bad Blood
Avengelyne: Revelation
Black Summer
Cavewoman Color Special
Chaos! Quarterly
The Coven: Spellcaster
Faust: Book of M
Hellina (Boundless Comics)
Hellina (Tabou)
Hellina: Scythe
Ignition City
Jungle Fantasy (Avatar Press)
Jungle Fantasy: Annual
Jungle Fantasy: Ivory
Lookers (Avatar Press)
Mercy (Maus)
The Ravening (Avatar)
The Ravening (Boundless Comics)
Ravening - Les voraces
Razor: The Ravening
Warrior Nun Areala (Bolt)
Webwitch (Avatar Press)
Webwitch: Prelude to War