Dancing Elephant Press

Reeks / Strip Jaar
Burglar Bill 1 John Thaw always made it look so easy 1990-2004
Kane (Enigma) 1 Groetjes uit Nieuw Eden 1993-1998
Kane (Enigma) 2 Alweer een reden uit 't verleden 1993-1998
Kane (Enigma) 3 Spelen op safe 1 1993-2002
Kane (Enigma) 5 Hoffelijk eten 1994-2002
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 5 Mister Floppsie Woppsie 1994
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 6 Into temptation 1994
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 7 The bunny wore pink 1994
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 8 The view from here 1995
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 9 His story 1995
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 10 Heart 1995
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 11 Soul 1995
Kane (Dancing Elephant) INT 1 Greetings from New Eden 1995-2004
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 12 Hospital visit 1996
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 13 Point of view 1996
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 14 Officer Katie NEPD 1996
Kane (Dancing Elephant) INT 2 Rabbit hunt 1996-2004
Burglar Bill SP1 Summer fun special 1996
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 15 Stripes, part 1 1997
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 16 Stripes, part 2 1997
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 17 Fears to tread 1997
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 18 Above & below the call of duty 1997
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 19 A touchy subject 1997
Kane (Dancing Elephant) INT 3 Histories 1997-2004
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 20 Lies, damn lies & Lieutenant Wratz 1998
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 21 Skweek skweek 1998
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 22 Fwankies big night out 1998
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 23 Out of into 1999
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 24 Meyer culpa 1999
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 25 Partners, part 1 1999
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 26 The deal 1999
Kane (Dancing Elephant) INT 4 Thirty ninth 1999-2005
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 1 Jack's Back 2000
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 2 Questions 2000
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 3 The Killing Night 2000
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 4 It's All Just One Big Lie 2000
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 27 Partners in crime 2000
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 28 City limits 2000
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 5 Police Investigation 2001
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 6 Quick and the Dead 2001
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 29 Day one 2001
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 30 Starting over 2001
Kane (Dancing Elephant) 31 Killing the hero 2001
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 7 Chase of the Thrill 2002
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 8 Quotations 2002
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 9 Ring Ring 2002
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 10 Open the Box 2002
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 11 Origin of the Claw 2002
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) INT 1 Yesterdays Heroes 2002
Burglar Bill 2 Dead end stories 2003-2005
Burglar Bill 3 Pablo Picasso's pigeon 2003-2005
Jack Staff (Dancing Elephant) 12 Time's Up! 2003